Canine Seizures
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Canine Seizures 101: How To Help Your Dog During Seizures

Canine seizures may be a common occurrence in dogs that suffer from epilepsy or any other neurological disturbance. It causes convulsion, and the dog becomes unconscious and forms froth in the mouth. However, this shouldn’t be confused with rabies. The seizures cause involuntary muscle movements that are temporary and can last for less than five…

Service Dogs

Service Dogs & Housing – Know Your Rights

Did you know that you and your service dog are protected from housing discrimination? While there are several laws in place; not everyone will strive to put your interests first – which is why self-education is critical. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the different laws that apply to housing and service dogs and have…

5 Tips to Have a Healthy and Happy Dog
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5 Tips to Have a Healthy and Happy Dog

If you love animals or have a pet, you will be interested to know what to do to offer him a better life. You probably know almost everything about it, but it is always good to expand and update your knowledge. Here then are a series of useful tips and advice to help your dog grow and live healthy and…

Dog Food Ingredients
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10 Best Dog Food Ingredients to Improve Your Dog’s Health

When it comes to food, we usually know what is healthy for the human body and what’s not. However, not everyone is aware of what food suits a dog’s health. So, if you are planning to get a dog, you must know about the best dog food and nutrients. That being said, we have come…

CBD for dogs
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How Much CBD Should I Give My Dog? A Simple Guide

Is your dog getting older or suffering from a medical condition that could be helped with CBD? Giving your pet CBD can help reduce pain and allow them to lead a happier life in spite of certain ailments. Therefore, many pet owners prefer CBD for dogs and their other furry friends. But you have to consider how much CBD to give…