Dry Cat Food versus Moist Canned Cat Food
A major decision when taking care of your cat is deciding on moist/canned cat food versus dry cat food. There are a number of pros and cons for both which I will review, but ultimately a healthy balance of a high quality of both is the way to go. Within each category (dry versus moist) there are multiple choices a cat owner has to pick from that will ensure the cat will get the appropriate nutrients and vitamins needed for a healthy diet.
Pros of Moist Canned Cat Food
- moist cat food tends to have a stronger smell to it, which appeals to kitties senses; this generates interest and enthusiasm for the moist
- moist cat food is loaded with water which can be an excellent way to help your cat get some of his needed hydration
- moist food contains less carbohydrates than dry food
- moist can help keep kitties system moving
Cons of Moist Canned Cat Food
- cats receive no dental benefits from moist canned cat food
- canned food tends to be more expensive
- canned moist food tends to be high in sugar and salt
Pros of Dry Cat Food
- dry cat food is very good for your cat’s teeth. It reduces tart and plaque build up.
- dry cat food lasts longer in a bowl, stays crunchy
- certain dry cat food brands can help with hairballs
- dry cat food tends to be less expensive
Cons of Dry Cat Food
- in many dry cat food, carbohydrates are high which can lead to obesity; check the label *anything over 40 percent filler ingredients should not be considered high quality*
- dry cat food does not contain water which is a major necessity for cats
- dry cat food doesn’t have the smell most canned food has, which makes it less enjoyable for your cat
Which Foods Can Cats Eat? All food does not have the same nutrients that a cat food is going to have. The perfect example is taurine. Cats need more taurine then humans and therefore would not get enough if they only ate people food.