Benefits of Training a New Puppy
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5 Rewarding Benefits of Training a New Puppy

Discover the 5 rewarding benefits of training a new puppy. From bonding to better behavior, start your furry friend’s training journey today!

Do you have a rambunctious new puppy that’s out of control? Does it feel like your new furry friend will never be able to control his or her behavior? If so, then you need to look into obedience school for that little one.

Contrary to what many people believe, a dog is never too young to be trained. In fact, the younger you start, the easier it will be to show them the ropes. You can teach an old dog a new trick, but it takes a lot longer.

See below for an in-depth guide on the many benefits of training a new puppy and giving them the pet care that they deserve. 

1. Peace of Mind

Let’s not kid ourselves, having a new puppy brings out all the feels! It’s stressful, yet rewarding. Tiring, yet exuberating. It’s the happiest part of dog ownership, as well as the worst part, depending on the day they’re having.

Nothing is more stressful than having a disobedient dog, however. Since they can’t be trusted, you’ll find yourself spending the bulk of your day worrying about them.

For example, you might be stressed at work worrying that your new puppy has torn out of its cage or that it’s going through the trash and eating something it shouldn’t. Been there, done that.

Thankfully, dog training can help you get more peace of mind. It will start to build trust between you and your little furry companion. You’ll find that you’re less frustrated with them and enjoying all of the time you get to spend together. 

You’ll also be more inclined to take them out in public. You can take them to the dog park without worrying about them ignoring your instructions. You can take them to a pet groomer without the fear of them playing well with other dogs. It’s freeing!

2. Your Relationship Will Grow

Most dog owners dismiss a new puppy’s lack of obedience as nothing more than a growing pain. They tend to shrug it off and expect that the dog will grow more obedient with time. 

That’s certainly true in some cases, but not always. Some dogs never outgrow that phase. Instead, they learn to ignore you and tune you out when other distractions arise. If you never show them who’s in charge, they’ll never take the hint. 

This puts a damper on the relationship. Your dog can sense your frustration and will only continue to ignore you further.

Other signs of disobedience include not walking nicely on a leash, jumping on people, barking endlessly, or the notorious incident of digging in the trash.

If you wait until longer in your puppy’s life to correct their behavior, you’ll have to go through the painstaking process of altering their habits, which is a far more tedious process.

Instead, correct this issue right away! Over the next few months, you and your dog will begin to understand each other more. He or she will learn to trust you and listen to your commands, rather than acting as if they don’t hear you—yes, dogs do this.

3. Fun Play Dates

You have the cutest little puppy in the whole world; this is a fact. As such, you wish to show them off to everyone you know and meet. 

However, if your puppy doesn’t listen to you, then you’ll be less inclined to take them anywhere. No dog owner feels good about watching a friend’s dog behave better than their pup.

As your puppy continues to progress in their obedience school, you’ll find yourself setting more play dates with others. It may even get to a point where you and Fluffy are inseparable!

Everyone will love having your puppy over if they’re well-behaved. Nothing’s more enjoyable than a doggo that gets along with everyone in sight. 

Once you know your puppy will listen to your commands, you can take them to all of the fun places, such as agility courses, dog parks, dog beaches, mountain hikes, sports games, and various other areas.

4. Your Home Will Thank You

If your walls could talk, they would say, “Get this new puppy trained before he/she destroys us all, man!” 

A disobedient dog is a one-way ticket to home destruction. They’ll chew on pillows, dig through the trash, put paw prints on the glass, push down kids, pee on the floors, the list goes on and on.

Fortunately, those things can all be removed from the equation with dog training. They’ll learn the rules of the house and follow them intently.

5. Increases Safety for Your Pup

Many people don’t think about it this way, but a dog not listening to your commands is a danger to their overall well-being.

As their owner, you’re the one they want to depend on for guidance and instruction. Your instructions can help them avoid some dangerous, and even life-threatening situations.

Putting them through obedience school ensures that, if the need ever arises, your dog will be safe from harm. They’ll listen to your instructions without question and be all the better for it. Dog training is just as much for the owner as it is for the puppy.

Unlock the Benefits of Dog Training for Your New Puppy

Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on the rewarding benefits of training a new puppy, be sure to use this information to your advantage. 

Take the time to browse our website for more articles on getting a new pet, as well as many other topics that you will find helpful.

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