Doubts and advice on pets in times of quarantine for the coronavirus

It is clear that we are currently experiencing an exceptional situation due to the coronavirus pandemic. Still, animal lovers continue to show our love for animals, caring for them and meeting their needs. It is obvious that we should not neglect basic issues such as diet, health, or well-being due to being confined at home. What’s more, because of this, now we have the opportunity to show them the affection that they demand so much of us.

Given the different measures taken by the Government of the Nation and after declaring the state of alarm throughout the territory, the main chains of pet shops and veterinary clinics have reported that, following the established recommendations, they will continue to serve the public. Both physical stores, veterinary clinics and online commerce will remain open for provide essential goods for the care of pets as well as to guarantee their health.

According to article 10 of the decree approved by the Government in the face of this state of alarm, establishments that provide medical services and provide food for pets, may continue their activity without prejudice to the end customer.

Take care of your habits

Returning to the topic at hand, pets deserve a walk, always under the responsibility of their owners. During the decreed days of confinement, one of the exceptions is that of walking pets, and that is that they need to play and enjoy the outdoors. Thus, it is recommended to follow a series of exceptional measures:

  • Exit individually
  • Avoid socializing with other pets and their animals
  • Stroll in wide open spaces
  • Wash hands when returning home
  • Caring for pet hygiene more often than usual

Responsibility messages to patients and how to act when they go to a clinic

Given the different sanitary measures that public establishments must adopt, Veterinary clinics establish a protocol of action to continue offering service guaranteeing the maximum security measures. First, all pet owners are urged to postpone routine non-urgent visits. The rest of appointments will be attended after telephone reservation and consulting with the vet the nature of it.

Both chains will guarantee the necessary hygiene measures to minimize the risk of contagion, providing disinfectant gel to all clients who enter and leave the clinics. The presence of clients in the waiting rooms will be controlled, to avoid the presence of several people in the same space. Each pet may be accompanied by a single person and is requested not to go in any case if symptoms of the virus occur.

Recommendations to follow to guarantee the safety of animals and people

Both health professionals and World Health Organization have indicated that, for the moment, there is no scientific evidence that pets like dogs or cats can suffer or transmit the Covid-19 virus. It is essential to continue caring for the animals and ensure that their routine is not significantly affected. In some countries the first cases of abandonment of pets have occurred And so we want to remember that animals are part of the family and these days are an opportunity to spend more time together.

The experts of Global Veterinary Community They point out several recommendations for all those pet owners who guarantee the health of both people and animals. It is recommended to anyone who has been infected with the virus or has had direct contact with someone sick, avoid direct contact with animals or even wear a mask while close. Additionally, in the event that an animal becomes ill and has had direct contact with a person infected with the virus, you should not go to the veterinary center without first consulting the clinic staff by phone.

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