Best dog worming tablets

The flu in dogs

Like humans, dogs also acquire viruses that lead to a cold, affecting their immune system and causing damage to their respiratory tract. It is important that you know how to recognize when your dog is griposo and how to treat it. Take note! How to know? You can recognize that the dog is with the…

Buy a Dog Online

Buy a Dog Online: Recommendations to Avoid Problems

Buying certain dog breeds online at a cheaper price may be due to being stolen or sick. Ensure that a licensed dog is purchased, check that it is purchased from professional breeders and agree on sale conditions that guarantee the welfare of the animal are three key aspects to ensure the safe purchase of a…

Dried Mealworms

Obtain Mealworms For Your Garden Birds

Birds will certainly group to your yard when they are supplied with the tastiest deals with from your bird feeder. One wonderful reward for all sorts of birds is dried out mealworms, which are perfect for robins as well as tits that consider it their favorite. [su_box title=”The #1 Suppliers of Dried Mealworms |”]…

Spain champion in the Championships of the World of Dogs of Sample and British Races

The Royal Spanish Canine Society (RSCE) and the Royal Spanish Hunting Federation (RFEC) organized, from 24 to Saturday 27 October, in Torrijos (Toledo), the World Championships of Dogs of Sample and San Hubert. Participation of 18 countries, among which is Spain with well-deserved classifications.Results of the Sample Dogs World Championship:This championship is developed following a…

The bitch that ripped off the penis of a man who hit her in danger in the kennel

Kiara, in the protective where it is since the event. / PHOTO: L'Última Llar A few weeks ago the social networks applauded this bitch who took a bite of the penis to the man who hit him on the street. Since then remains in the kennel where it is endangered – Commercial – Last September…