Lowering the veterinary VAT will be approved, and then applied?

The PGE 2019 contemplates a reduction of the veterinary VAT But contrary to what has been published in some media, the reduction of veterinary VAT is not approved. This comes from old, in fact in 2017 the Congress approved a Proposition No of Law to lower the veterinary VAT, which never came to be applied….

News from the world of the dog, October 22 to 28

News of dogs, from the week of October 22 to 28 • "The dog that goes through the street to get hamburgers",published in Heraldo. • "Whisper died, the last corgi dog of Queen Elizabeth II",published in Infobae. • "Kamikaze pump dogs: Stalin's secret trick that terrified the unbeatable Nazi tanks",published on ABC. • "They investigate…

Mastiffs need us

So big in size with immense heart. Being one of the most autochthonous races, nobody remembers them. Condemned to live in solitude in the rural world, they are always the last to be adopted in shelters. Here we encourage you to make room in your home for one of these wonderful animals. – Commercial –…

New book Can not walk?

How to maintain well-being in dogs with limited activity The latest Edogtorial book helps dogs to feel better and owners to get a better coexistence on a day to day basis. We repeat it ad nauseam: Dogs, all, need activity to be happy. And inactivity can bring with it all sorts of problems, and some…

More than a hundred rabbits murdered in private homes in France!

Domestic rabbit | Flickr Robobobobo More than a hundred rabbits have been killed in France. The animals have been found dead in different homes, thus disconcerting the police of Côtes-d'Armor. – Commercial – News like today is the least we like to give in Wamiz. If a few weeks ago we told you that a…