These are the essential care for the care of your pet

For animal lovers, being able to make adventures with our four-legged friends is something wonderful. To be able to enjoy it to the fullest, it is important that the animal has the necessary care that protects them from any disease. It is important to know the care of your pet: vaccines, deworming, analytics … From…

The video of the dog shot by the police in Grenoble unworthy of all France

– Publicity Announcement – Despondent dog I Ethan Hu Video has revolutionized France … While animal protectors and citizens throw their hands to the head, the authorities and the police they are not so clear … We show you the video. The events took place in l'Isle-d'Abeau (French commune of Isère) a few days ago,…

Pet food collection bank

The Kiwoko Foundation once again organizes the Bank for the collection of pet food, a solidarity action to feed those dogs and cats that have not had it easy and are waiting for a second chance The Kiwoko Foundation, continuing with its mission to ensure the well-being of all pets and the strengthening of the…

Championship of the World of Dogs of Sample and Saint Hubert

This week begins the activities prior to the Championship of Dogs of Sample and San Hubert that will take place in Sales of Retamosa, Toledo, on October 25, 26 and 27 About 1,000 dogs accompanied by their guides they are going to give appointment, from today, in different points of the province of Toledo, to…

Benefit Concert “Seattle Experience” in Favor of Arca de Noé Córdoba

Thursday, October 25 at Sala Hangar, Benefit Concert “Seattle experience” to help Arca de Noé Córdoba Next charity concert that has been organized with the best intentions of spending a great time in good company, helping the peludines (since the entrance will be integrated for the association) and listen to good live music with musicians…