Anxiety due to separation in dogs, fear, frustration and indulgent owners …

Dogs of permissive owners in general become more easily frustrated … which can lead to separation anxiety Signs of problems related to separation anxiety (APS) may vary according to the internal state that triggers them; for example, it was previously discovered that dogs with APS informed by the owner were characterized by a predominance of…

Against the mistreatment of greyhounds and other breeds of dogs used to hunt

Performance against the mistreatment of greyhounds and other breeds of dogs used for hunting Plataforma NAC (No a la Caza) will perform a performance in which it will show with real images the consequences of hunting on October 6 in 23 Spanish cities. [19659004] This activity not only ends the life of more than 20…

Canine Educator Diploma and Behavior Therapist of the UCM

Continuing Education of the UCM organized by the Department of Animal Production of the Faculty of Veterinary Collaborate: Public and private entities, specialized in education and canine training (Guardia Civil, Madrid City Council, ONCE). Directed to: The training of professionals such as canine educators and behavior therapists, whose competences and responsibilities respond to the needs…

Canine dominance, new methods of evaluation.

The so-called "dominance" is an important concept when studying the structure of animal societies One of the most accepted formulas in ethology when evaluating the relations of dominance is the "dyadic" in which an individual is dominant on another subordinate individual. Ascending in hierarchies of dominance is common at times of mating and reproduction The…

Hall for the Adoption of Companion Animals of the Community of Madrid

The XIII Hall for the Adoption of Companion Animals of the Community of Madrid is held on October 6 and 7 The Community of Madrid celebrates, one more year, the Hall for the adoption of companion animals in the Parque de El Buen Retiro (Paseo de Coches). There will be exhibited a series of animals…

More than 10,000 animals wormed with Kiwoko's latest solidarity campaign

It is often said that there is greater joy in giving than in receiving and, when that help is for our best friends, the goal is doubly fulfilled. Continuing with its mission to help improve the lives of all pets, Kiwoko launched the solidarity campaign Desparasita2, which was launched during the months of March and…

How to care for a rabbit at home so that it is a happy and healthy pet

If you have decided to have this pet, here are some tips for caring for a rabbit at home. Remember that these animals can be excellent pets because they have a unique personality and easily adapt to domestic style life and the environment. Still, we must provide basic food care, a great burrow and daily…

A blind man expelled from a supermarket because of his guide dog (Video)

One person who is blind is expelled for bad manners supermarket for being accompanied by his guide dog . The facts that, at first sight, may seem like a joke in bad taste, happened last Friday, September 27 at a well-known supermarket of Marseille (south of France). Arthur Aumoite that is the name of the…