They are undoubtedly the two most common and successful pet species as pets. However, they are quite different. Understanding these differences and knowing their particularities is very important for a good coexistence. The keys that we explain below can help you if you already have a dog at home and you want him to have a new cat friend and in the same way if a cat already lives in your house and you want him to discover what it is to have a dog friend.

1- Know your pets:
It is important to learn about the natural behavior of each species to establish how your relationship will develop. Although each animal has its own individual characteristics, in general, cats are more independent and dogs more sociable. So, the dog understands that there is a hierarchy, which facilitates his training, while the cat not so much. And they have different needs, the dog must go for a walk and exercise and its rhythm of life is diurnal; on the contrary, the cat needs less space and its periods of activity and rest alternate throughout the day and night.
2- Planning:
The success of the good understanding between dog and cat will be much greater if they have known each other from puppies. If not, we must plan more specifically how we are going to introduce the new one and prepare everything necessary to facilitate its adaptation, spaces, accessories, feeders and drinkers. In addition, we can prepare the pet that we already have in advance, training our dog’s obedience or providing a safety zone for our cat.
3- First meetings:
Once we have decided and made the preparations and changes for the arrival of the new pet, the first meetings should be done with caution. At first, until we see how they react, it is best to keep the dog tied up and observe their reactions from a distance.
4- Smell:
The exchange of smells between dogs and cats is essential to get to know each other. If we leave them objects that the other has used, we will help them to get used to and tolerate little by little.
5- Our adaptation:
Educate and train respecting the bases of the ethology of each species and allowing the relationship between them to develop as naturally as possible, trying to interfere only when necessary and separately.
6- Realistic expectations:
We must be willing to accept the relationship that will be established between them, which can result from a passive tolerance to a closer and more active interaction.
7- Sanitary measures for each of them:
Before coming into contact both must be healthy and clean with their daily deworming plan. For example, a good method of caring for your two furry dogs would be to use an exact dose, at the right time, such as the Monthly Double Protection, which protects them from internal and external parasites.
8- Hygiene:
It will be necessary to establish a routine for cleaning the animals, their accessories, toys, beds, feeders, drinking bowls and the cat’s litter box. The litter box must be cleaned frequently using gloves and placed out of the dog’s reach.
9- Food:
C ach must have your meal and both diet and eating habits of dogs and cats are different. The arrangement of the feeders and drinkers is important so that, for example, the dog does not eat the cat’s food.
10- Special cases:
In the event that we already have a dog and a cat with coexistence problems, it is not easy to advise a solution without knowing the details, it is best to consult with the veterinarian.