8 Essential Ferret Care Tips for New Ferret Owners

Have you always wondered what it would be like to have a ferret for a pet? Are you considering getting one, but you’re not sure how to care for a ferret?
The average lifespan of a domestic ferret is about 8 years. That’s one good reason to look into the benefits of owning a ferret before you visit the store.
A healthy ferret is a lively pet that your whole family will love. They’re intelligent and very social animals. Here are some essential ferret care tips to help you get started.
1. Are Ferrets Legal Where You Live?
It’s essential to check with your local authorities to ensure you are legally allowed to have a pet ferret. There are many locations where ferrets aren’t allowed because they are a restricted species.
2. Small Children
A ferret is not a good pet for families with children under the age of thirteen. Small children don’t know how to care for a ferret.
The Pet Savvy has great information about other pets that may not enjoy the smell and presence of a ferret.
3. Ferret Care Includes Regular Check-Ups
A ferret needs routine care from a vet. It would be best if you neutered your ferret unless you plan to breed it. They require regular vaccinations, and you might consider preventative heartworm treatments.
4. What to Feed Your Ferret
Find quality food for your ferret. They’re carnivores and need a high amount of fat in their diet to keep them healthy. It’s best to avoid fish-based foods or ones that are high in grains.
5. Fun Activities for Your Ferret
They love to play and bounce around and will love it if you join them. They enjoy wrestling but tend to nip, so you will need to train them by saying No loudly whenever they do it.
6. Ferret Cages
A large cage with two levels will give your ferret room to roam. They enjoy a hammock or swing to hang out in. They need a dark enclosure and some t-shirts or towels for nesting materials.
7. Ferret Proof Your Home
Ferrets are escape artists and can easily wiggle through very small openings. They will hide inside your cupboards or under chairs, so it’s important to know where your ferret is before you move a recliner, for example.
They will chew cables if they aren’t covered, and houseplants can be a danger to them.
8. House Train Your Ferret
You can train your ferrets to use a litter box like a cat. Shredded newspaper or newspaper-based litter is the best one to use. They will need several boxes, including one in their cage, as they don’t have large kidneys and aren’t used to holding their urine for long.
Be Confident in Your Decision
Now that you understand the proper ferret care routine to keep your pet healthy, you can be confident in your ability to care for a pet ferret.
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