Cats can be amazing. They are our companion animals, with unique personalities. Do you want to know more details about the character of cats? Continue reading.
Types of cat personalities
Like humans, there are several personalities that define these animals. We can define a total of five types:
- Frivolous: it is the scariest cat, the typical one that shoots out of the sofa when it sees guests come home. It is characterized by being very nervous.
- Outgoing: it is the so-called curious cat. They love to establish relationships with those around them. They play with their toys and release a lot of energy, watch out for their boredom, because they can destroy furniture! In addition, they love to be in the garden and on the street, so it is crucial to carry deworming controls to prevent them from infecting your family.
- Spontaneous: it is characterized by reacting to different situations differently. It can become anxious or just the opposite, depending on the day.
- Friendly: he is affectionate, sleeps with you and enjoys being in your personal space.

Cat behaviors
Each cat develops its own behaviors, responding to different stimuli. In general, they develop them according to genetic factors (those of their species), their socialization with humans and other animals and environmental factors.
A priori, you should know that there are many types of behaviors: attention, anxiety, happiness, anger, fear or frustration, among others.
How to understand the character of cats?
It is not easy to understand them. You must analyze their movements but, above all, their purr. This can help convey more than 60 different messages with each of its nuances.
If, for example, you notice that your cat licks your hair or face, it means that it is trying to groom you. It is a positive behavior. Or even if you notice that your cat rubs his head on you, it means that he is expressing his affection.
On the other hand, if your cat chews on grass or plants, it indicates that he is trying to “clean” his digestive system. In these cases, it is important to perform a double internal and external deworming (always with the supervision of the veterinarian). Remember to ask your vet about the Double Monthly Protection and get a gift!
Finally, note that angry cat behaviors are manifested in tense ears, rigid whiskers, penetrating gaze, rigid and straight tail. This behavior can be accompanied by silence or a growl from your feline.
How does our attitude affect cats?
Having a cat at home implies having a little observer. This pet may know more about the owner than he thinks. If your cat lives with you all the time, it can even know when you change your mood.
An example would be when you are sad. In this case, your feline companion can be closer to you to find out the cause of his mood. The cat may also be more anxious this time. Or, even the opposite can happen when the owner is in a good mood.
With all this information, we can say that the character of cats can be very dynamic. Be outgoing, anxious, frivolous or spontaneous, we always advise carrying out deworming care to avoid the risk of contagion of the most common parasites in our environment.