How To Care For Your Pet Brazilian Black Tarantula
Originally from the grasslands of Brazil and Uruguay, Brazilian black tarantulas are often the best tarantula species to have as a pet. With a velvety black appearance, docile nature, resilience, and impressive look, they can be pets to beginners and established keepers.
If you have a Brazilian black tarantula (also known as Grammostola Pulchra) or planning on getting one, here is a complete guide that will help you get the best experience when caring for this arachnid.
If you give the right environment to your Brazilian black tarantula, you will be able to enjoy your pet for a long time. It is a slow-growing species that takes a relatively long time to attain maturity. Females have a captive lifespan of 20-30 years! The males aren’t as prolific but will typically live for around 5-10 years.
Tarantulas can grow up to 6-8 inches, and hence adults will require a 10-15 gallon enclosure. A fish tank or terrarium tank with a locking screen, ventilation, cork bark, and secure lid makes a great habitat for the spider.
A dry, deep, and clean substrate, free of pesticides and fertilizers, is a must (4 – 5 inches of coconut coir, vermiculite, or dry potting soil for spiderlings and 5-6 inches for adults).
Keep them in a temperature-maintained enclosure of 75° – 85°F with a water bowl in a corner to provide hydration and humidity. Also, your tarantula will be happy if given proper ventilation.
And like most species, the ground rule of Brazilian black tarantulas is ‘one spider per enclosure’.
The Brazilian black tarantula is known for being calm, docile, and tolerant of handling. However, one should always be careful when handling any tarantula.

Brazilian black tarantulas can be fairly venomous and have the ability to bite. Their venom may not be life-threatening, but it can cause pain, muscle spasms, and cramps. Tarantulas are terrarium pets that can be best enjoyed through care and observation over interaction.
In case you hold the spider, keep it low over a soft surface. Remain tender and calm all through. Keep your face away from the spider so that its urticating hair does not get into your eyes if it is kicked off. And be certain to wash your hands thoroughly – ideally with a reptile-safe hand wash or gel – post holding.
Younger tarantulas or spiderlings feed on pinhead crickets, fruit flies, roach nymphs, and small insects 1-2 prey items every day.
Adults may eat live crickets, flies, captive-bred locusts, dubia roaches, mealworms, and other large insects 3-8 times per month, depending upon their size. Some smaller vertebrates such as pinky mice or lizards are also dietary options. However, they should not be offered the same regularly.
A key to remember is that the prey should not be larger than the tarantula’s overall body or abdomen size. Remember to properly feed your tarantula and watch it grow into a beautiful spider.
Brazilian Black Tarantula: Care Guide & Species Profile – Everything Reptiles – The Brazilian black tarantula (Grammostola pulchra) is a large, hairy spider with an all-black body, popular due to their ease of care and their docile natures.
Beginner’s Guide To The Brazilian Black Tarantula – Everything you need to know about the Brazilian Black tarantula.
Brazilian Black Tarantula Facts – CRITTERFACTS – If provoked, the Brazilian black tarantula will use its fangs or urticating hairs that cover its abdomen and eject them toward potential attackers.
7 Tips to Taking Care of A Brazilian Black Tarantula ⋆ Life With Heidi – 7 Tips to Taking Care of A Brazilian Black Tarantula To take care of a Brazilian Black Tarantula, prepare a suitable enclosure, ensure proper humidity, temperature
Brazilian Black Tarantula Care (Complete Guide) – – The Brazilian Black Tarantula is highly sought after due to its docile nature, easy care, and black bodies. Learn more about their care here.
Brazilian Black Tarantula: Care Guide, Varieties, Lifespan & More (with Pictures) | Pet Keen – If you’re looking for a tarantula that you can safely handle, the Brazilian Black Tarantula is one of your best bets.
Brazilian Black Tarantula Care and FAQs – The Spider Blog – The Brazilian Black Tarantula is a large, docile and easy to care for species. Keep reading to learn how to keep it healthy in captivity…
Care guide of Brazilian Black Tarantula – – The Brazilian black tarantula is a gorgeous spider, and it gets its common name from its beautiful velvety black color.
Brazilian Black Tarantula – Everything You Need to Know About Its Care – Niche Pets – The Brazilian Black tarantula makes a great pet thanks to its docile nature. We tell you all about the Brazilian Black tarantulas care and handling.
How To Care For Brazilian Black Tarantula: All You Need To Know – Brazilian black tarantula is known for its long life and is admired for its docile nature and deep coat. So this little creature is often owned as a pet.
Brazilian Black Tarantula Care – Insectville – The grasslands of Brazil and Uruguay are home to the thick, hairy Brazilian black tarantula. Brazilian black tarantulas are gentle and pleasant spiders,
Now that you know all about caring for a Brazilian black tarantula don’t hesitate to add the species to your collection. It is the Black Beauty (or the Black Labrador of tarantulae) you have been looking and longing for!