

Summer is one of the most incredible seasons of the year but the increase in temperature can be harmful for your dog, since in a matter of minutes he can suffer a heat stroke that could even cause death. This is because dogs do not sweat like humans, but they pant, this being their way of lowering their body temperature. Therefore, it is essential to take care of it at this time of year against excessive heat. Discover some tips so that your dog can enjoy the summer as much as you:


Don’t leave your best friend in the car

It does not take very hot days for the interior of our car to become an oven. A study showed that the temperature inside parked vehicles can be doubled compared to the outside even with the window open. For this reason, you should never leave a dog inside as this can cause your pet to become dehydrated and in more extreme cases, die from heat stroke.

Bring water whenever you go out with him

Regardless of the place of the walk, always carry fresh water with you and a container. Thus, if you are thirsty, you will be able to refresh yourself quickly in case you need it. Also try to wet the head and trunk to help lower body temperature.

Be careful with the schedule of the walks

Taking your dog for a walk seems like a great idea to enjoy the holidays, but you should be careful not to go out for a walk during the hottest hours. Save these times for the first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon. In addition, you have to be careful with their legs as they are very sensitive to heat. Imagine running barefoot in very hot sand! This is what dogs feel when they walk with their paws on sidewalks and on hot asphalt.

Protect it from the sun even at home

If your dog has a large terrace or garden where he can be, check that he always has a comfortable place protected from the sun. If you have space at home you can put a small inflatable pool for your best friend to cool off when he needs it.

Don’t cut her hair

A very common mistake is to cut the hair of the dogs when the summer arrives. In many dogs, the hair acts as a barrier, helping to better withstand heat and avoiding sunstroke and skin problems. What is important is brushing well. Brushing the hair of long-haired dogs is very important in summer, since if we do not remove the hair that falls out, it can accumulate and prevent it from expelling the internal heat well.

Watch for signs of overexposure

If you notice that your dog is very panting, take him to a cool place that has plenty of water. In cases of sun exposure, animals can have high fevers, tachycardia or even vomiting. These are signs of heat stroke and require an urgent visit to the vet. On the way to the vet, you can apply towels soaked in cold water to the hairless areas of the dog’s body.

Take care of your diet

It is common for the dog’s diet to change in the summer. With high temperatures the dog ends up playing and running less, and expends less energy. Then it is normal that they end up eating less. Don’t force him to eat more than he really needs. To facilitate the nutrition of your dog in hot weather, you can change the routine, offering the ration at cooler times of the day or include wet food in the diet.

No ice cream

People love to cool off with ice cream, smoothies, etc. but these are not good for dogs because of the amount of sugar they contain. If you want your best friend to cool off, you can put an ice cube in the drinker since ice is not harmful to dogs and they love to lick it.

Beware of ticks

In spring-summer, ticks and other parasites are more frequent. Prevent your dog, and your family, from getting infected. Consult your trusted veterinarian for the Double Monthly Protection adapted to the characteristics of your dog.

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