
My cat bites me when I want to touch it

If your feline has bitten you when you just wanted to touch or cuddle it, don’t despair. Today we will delve into his soul to understand the reasons for the bites and remedy them. Without forgetting that you are sharing a roof with a “hunter”, genetically pushed towards games of chase, stalking and capture.

cat bites

How is your cute kitty?

Before analyzing some of the reasons why your feline can bite you, we will tell you some factors to take into account if you want to maintain a harmonious coexistence with him and not get scalded:

  • We know that, in general, cats are independent, territorial, sleepy, physically capable, curious … and with a lot, a lot of personality.
  • Let’s put ourselves in our cat’s shoes and feel what we like and what overwhelms us.
  • Let us respect their rhythms and their spaces.
  • Remember that, although felines share many common traits, each animal is a world, just like humans.
  • There are calm, unruly, shy, outgoing, austere, capricious cats, etc.
  • Each feline has its idiosyncrasies and each animal interprets the same gestures differently.
  • The same touch can drive one cat crazy with pleasure and scare another.

It is up to us humans to understand them and to know what caresses or touches they like, in which part of the body and what are the right moments. To do this, we must be attentive to their signals as they tend to warn us in advance and repeatedly.

Types of cat bites

Now that we have empathized with our cat, comes the million dollar question, why do they bite us? Our furry can bite us for multiple reasons: for simple play, being overwhelmed by situations that displease them, fear and even as an excessive display of affection …

  1. They want to play with their hands
  • The cats that bite the hands usually do so because their caretakers have become accustomed to it very young, when still their cat bites were harmless.
  • Generally, puppies that live with their mother, surrounded by their siblings, play, fight and, in the meantime, learn to control the force of their bite.
  • If they have not lived through this experience and have been wound up to play with their hands and bite them, when they grow up, they continue to do so because it is what they have learned and they are not aware of the “collateral” damage.
  • In the logic of its nature, cats tend to play, scratch, and nibble on our moving feet and legs.

Tips to avoid bite and scratch injuries to your hands :

  • Accustom your cat, from a young age, to entertaining himself with toys that stimulate his hunting instincts.
  • Try that the toy is not your hand, but sound and attractive objects for your feline.
  • Reinforce the changes, helped with the occasional tasty treat.
  • Provide him with a good scraper where, in addition to filing his nails, he discharges much of his rambunctious energy.

In addition to these tips, you may also be interested in our post ” How to teach a kitten not to scratch?” where, among other things, we detail various tips to educate cats that bite and scratch their hands.

2. They feel overwhelmed with so many caresses

At Pussycats happens like people, some are very ingratiating and they love the pampered and petted at all times and anywhere in the -orejas body, neck, head, tummy paws; on the other hand, others shy away from so many displays of affection, even becoming overwhelmed.

The difference is that humans solve this problem by talking, which, as cats cannot do , sometimes they express themselves by biting or digging their nails , answers, obviously not very pleasant.

To avoid misunderstandings, it is essential to know what types of caresses and touches your cat tolerates, how many, at what times and in what areas of its body. If you are attentive, your kitten will tell you “in his own way” through his body language:

  • He will stop purring , because he feels restless
  • He will wave his tail from side to side, giving signs of nervousness
  • He will change his posture , so that you stop stroking him

When you have not paid attention to the signals of your kitten and you receive a bite , stop petting him, stay calm and wait for him to notice other things ; You can also throw an object or toy at him to divert his attention and get him to loosen his jaw and release you.

“While petting your cat, watch him carefully and stop when you see that he begins to feel uncomfortable”

3. They are afraid

Since biting is part of the wild heritage of our felines, it should not be surprising that he defends himself in this way when he feels harassment or fear. Alert when your cat shows the following signs, they are signs of suspicion and fear:

  • He starts to snort
  • Throw your ears back
  • Makes stereotypical movements

As always, it is essential that you observe your kitty’s signals very well to avoid disturbing it and biting you.

4. They are communicative and they love us

Does your cat nibble on your hands, arms, legs ? These displays of affection are called love bites, or love bites; They differ from the rest, because, more than harm, they tickle your nose, fingers, feet, or any other area of ​​your body within reach of their mouth.

With these signs, show the happiness that invades him when you are around and notice with your eyes and gestures that you also love him. But beware! with excess of passion ; it can hurt you ; avoid it by following these recommendations:

  • If you are petting your cat and the excitement is over the top, slow down the petting or stop it.
  • Distract his attention with toys and reward him with a treat.

You see that “all you need is love” , as the song says, which is great, as long as it is with the proper precautions.

If after reading this post you still do not know the cause of other bites of your feline, it is time to take him to the veterinarian or ethologist, so that they examine the background of the bites.

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