
My dog ​​is very nervous, what can I do?

Each dog has its own uniqueness and faces challenges in a variety of ways. If your dog goes from being a bit fidgety to being a nervous wreck, he may have a latent stress problem. In this post, we will address the symptoms and causes of your restlessness and give you some tips to calm it down.

1. Common symptoms of nervousness

As a furry caretaker, nobody like you knows his temperament and you are the one who can best detect when he is more restless than usual. You know he is uneasy when you see.

  • Restlessness in your gestures
  • Bark, gasp, groan
  • Jump and wag your tail nonstop
  • He goes from one side to the other, agitated, in continuous movement
  • In some cases it trembles
  • No appetite
  • Lose more hair than usual

Detecting the signs in time and relating them to the true cause is essential to remedy and prevent a deterioration in your dog’s health.

Canine nerve reasons

The very nervous dogs often suffer stress from various causes , including:

  • Genetic factors
  • Health disorders
  • Environmental
  • Educational

Depending on the cause, you will need the help of a certain expert; We will tell you later.

nervous dog

8 tips to reassure an upset dog

Although exaggerated nerves can affect your dog’s general health and well-being, fortunately, you can help alleviate his nervousness with the following guidelines …

  1. Exercise against stress

If long and regular walks are great for all dogs , it comes to the nervous ones like May water. The fact running and jumping in the park helps to burn off excess energy and makes the homecoming feel much calmer and happier.

As they run around, let them explore their surroundings , you know that they relax by sniffing things as diverse as plants and urine. Their mental well-being will increase if, in addition, they are given the opportunity to interact with other fellows abroad . Do not forget to adapt your dog’s activity to his circumstances , as abuse would be harmful.

2. Games at home and outside

In the home:

The first rule of thumb to follow with a nervous dog is to avoid overly active games at home . At home, we will take the opportunity to remind you of the basic rules of obedience , such as “sit down”, “come here” or “lie down”, without forgetting your well-deserved reward if you do well.

The toys should entertain your mind for hours ; therefore the most suitable are intelligence . You will find them in various shapes and textures, filled with prizes, which the clever dog will discover little by little.

In the park:

In the open air, opt for exercises that can develop their physical and mental abilities, such as olfactory and tracking . It will be enough to spread some objects with a little food and hide them in strategic places, to put your furry into action.

3. Caresses and pampering

Your dog is an eminently social and affectionate being. Stroke him when he obeys you , but do not do it in moments of greatest tension, because he will associate pampering with nervousness and will create a loop that is difficult to solve.

It starts slowly at the head and works its way down the entire body. Remember that in moments of restlessness, caresses act as a comforting balm.

4. Watch your attitude
Think that your furry is going to mimic your mood and record these tips in your mind …

  • Show him serenity
  • Speak to him in a soft voice
  • Don’t punish him
  • Reward him when he’s calm

Keep in mind that dogs are educated more by example than by reprimand.

5. Unit of criteria

A dog with nervous problems needs that security that all those who take care of him follow the same guidelines with him.
Remember to apply them in …

  • In attitude
  • The walks
  • The exercise
  • The games
  • Affection
  • The education

This congruence is essential to reduce the anxiety of the dog and ensure serenity and well-being.

6. Improve your habitat

Isn’t it true that in an ideal environment we feel better? Well, the same thing happens to your dog …

  • Condition the house so that it feels comfortable and there are no elements that increase its stress.
  • Make sure that your rest area is free of noise and is comfortable.
  • The place set up for food should be quiet, away from areas of passage.
  • Schedule your daily activity to ensure a routine that makes you feel safe.

In short, make your home a pleasant and welcoming environment for your dog.

7. Spray pheromones

There are soothing spray remedies inspired by the pheromones released by lactating females . Indicated for various stressful situations, which can increase the nervousness of our dogs , such as …

  • Address change
  • Stays in kennels
  • Noises of sirens, firecrackers, storms …
  • Trips
  • Training
  • Separation anxiety

This solution is sprayed in the environment or on the dog’s belongings , never on the dog and its effect lasts up to five hours. Remember that the key to the proper use of natural remedies and medications is in medical control.

8. Canine experts

Their help is inescapable when you have done everything in your power and your furry’s nervousness persists; they are the specialists capable of relaxing the dogs …

  • Ethologist

The ethologist’s mission focuses on the study and treatment of difficult behaviors in dogs.

  • Dog trainer

Starting from obedience, the trainer helps to restore harmony between the caregiver and the dog.

  • Veterinarian

You can advise us, from traditional medicines to homeopathic preparations; These are based on nature and include remedies such as belladonna, Bach flowers or chamomile, among others.

We will not tire of reminding you that medical consultation is essential in the event of any disorder or doubt that may arise in relation to the health of your dog.

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