Talking dogs: learn to decipher the signs
Let’s say that dogs speak in their own way, not with words but with their own body language, rich in genuinely canine signals. Do you want to understand these signs to know the mood, feelings and needs of your furry? So, pay close attention to the most eloquent gestures.

The three “Cs” of canine language
In her e-book “Canine language: the fabulous three “Cs”, Alba Benítez underlines the knowledge of canine language , as a starting point in the education and care of our dogs.
For her, it is essential to know what dogs express with their body, tail and face. In the ethologist’s opinion, “dogs use, voluntarily and involuntarily, the position of their body, their tail and the expression of their face, to explain things to other dogs, people or animals of another species .”
Starting from this general idea, we are going to reel in this post some of the purely canine signals.
6 signs of dog body language
Let’s make an effort and don’t just pretend that the furry ones understand human language, because in reality, we humans must understand our dogs.
You can go practicing the observation, to achieve perfect tune with your furry, with these examples that we explain below:
- States of submission
- If a dog feels submission , it will make it known with a set of gestures that range from the body , to the ears , eyes and mouth , where it will emit sounds typical of this state.
- He will sit or lie on the floor where he will remain still.
- He will throw his ears back.
- It will avoid the frontal gaze.
- In this insecure state , it may make some high-pitched sounds.
- A submissive dog that demands affection , will lie on the ground so that his human can caress his belly.
- If you feel rejected, you will show this feeling by retreating , waiting for better times.
2. Signs of fear
- Experts include them within the so-called agonistic signals, which are those related to the intention of aggression, fear, fight, threat or flight.
- When a dog is fearful, his gestures speak for themselves; Putting the tail between the legs and protecting the genitals is a clear sign of fear for any dog, regardless of whether it is male or female.
- Other gestures involving the face and body are also associated with fear , such as lowering the head, closing the muzzle, folding the ears or hunching the back.
3. Gambling wishes
- This feeling belongs to the set of affiliative signals , which are those that have to do with affection or the desire to interact and socialize with people or animals.
- If your furry yearns to play , he will express it to you with his tail , his head , his body movements and, sometimes, his barking.
- Cans wanting to frolic will let you know what they want by all means, even by barking.
- Sometimes they will lower their head , lift it up, and shake an object to invite you to the game .
- They don’t stand still and wag their tails
- They get tangled between the legs of their human companion.
- But the typical gesture of canine language to start the game and continue it , is technically called “play bow” , and it is the one that the furry do when they bend the front part of the body and raise the bottom.
4. Signs of anger
- They cover the face , body and tail ; the knowledge of these signs will help to avoid potential conflicts.
- An angry dog, in general, displays irritable behavior that can degenerate into aggressiveness.
- It will point your ears to the front.
- If anger increases, it will raise its tail.
- It will lift the gums and show the teeth.
- It will brighten your gaze and fix it on the object of your displeasure.
- He will frown and wrinkle his forehead and nose.
- They also tend to growl and bark.
- You will lean your body forward.
- It will bristle the fur on the back.
- With these signs you have to be alert, to prevent a possible fight.
5. Indicators of dominance
- A dominant dog with respect to a fellow dog is distinguished by a series of gestures of the head, tail and body.
- The dominant dog puts his head forward, chin up.
- Point the steep ears to the front.
- Raise the tail, arch the spine inward and puff out the chest.
6. Claim of affection
- Face, tail and body will jump into action to tell you that they urgently need your caresses and pampering.
- He will approach with his ears back if he asks for cuddles and is sad.
- Or he will put his ears forward, in a gesture indicating that he is happy, because he is loved, but wants more; in these cases they will also show other gestures, such as wagging the tail and raising the eyebrows.
- It’s funny when your furry paws you to tell you to listen to him and caress him a bit.
- And who could resist pampering him with that expressive gesture such as lying on his belly in the air for you to caress him?
Take good note of everything and remember that improving communication with our furry is the key to enjoying a strong, healthy and happy relationship.