Best dog worming tablets

The flu in dogs

Like humans, dogs also acquire viruses that lead to a cold, affecting their immune system and causing damage to their respiratory tract. It is important that you know how to recognize when your dog is griposo and how to treat it. Take note!

flu in dog

How to know?

You can recognize that the dog is with the flu if it has the following symptoms and characteristics:

✸ He has a cough.

✸ Sneezes frequently.

✸ Excessive discharge from the nose (mucus), even with blood.

✸ The apathy of the dog, who is tired and less willing to have fun.

✸ Lack of appetite.

✸ The wet eyes.

✸ Fever.

[su_box title=”Best Worming Tablets For Dogs – Pooching Around”]Pooching Around wrote about the best dog worming tablets but be sure to check with your vet to determine what kind of worms your dog is suffering from.[/su_box]

How to take care of it at home?

How to take care of dog at home

It is essential to protect the dog from the cold, in this way our friend will recover soon from his cold. Coat it with T-shirts or canine sacks to isolate it from low temperatures and humidity and more if your dog is of small breed, since they are less able to retain their body temperature.

Do not let your dog receive drafts; always try to sleep inside the house, covered with sheets that protect it from the cold.

You can help him decongest his airways by placing hot water in a room and let him breathe in that vapor.

Do not forget to always have plenty of fresh water, because during the flu you lose more fluids than usual: frequent mucus is an escape route of constant humidity.

Encourage him to eat food, usually eat wet food, as it is not as annoying as dry to swallow, you should try to eat well in small quantities to achieve a speedy recovery.


Do not forget to go to the veterinarian; these recommendations are to take them into account after being prescribed.

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