How happy our beloved pets feel during the holidays to be able to continuously enjoy our company!
How wonderful to share with them those long walks through the forest, the baths in the river, on the beach and watch them run through the meadows. That constant activity that leaves them exhausted and makes them fall exhausted to enjoy, by our side, the healthy habit of napping.
September is coming, summer is over. The “back to school” arrives. For us, adults, and also for children, it is a significant effort to resume routines (schedules, working hours, cabbages, obligations, etc. …). And, of course, our beloved pets too.
Dogs, in the wild life of nature, have always been in a pack. Being alone, without social interrelations and dependencies, for them is an unnatural state. For our pets, “going back to school” implies many hours of solitude at home, and that can cause anxiety.
Here are some simple tips to help your dog feel good and be able to remain alone, as calm and relaxed as possible.

1. the most important thing is that, when you return from vacation, you take him to the vet for a general check-up and, above all, to check his deworming pattern – inside and out – since he may have been in contact with fleas, ticks and worms. This will be essential to avoid future risks of contracting diseases, some of them serious for him and, also, for the rest of the family. Ask your vet about Double Monthly Protection.
At this time of year, at home we could follow some daily routines that we would gradually apply:
A long and active walk before we leave home.
Feed and drink after the ride.
We will say goodbye to our pet 30 minutes before leaving. That is, all those parties, affectionate words, caresses, games, etc. … we will provide them half an hour before leaving and leaving him alone. During this period of time (maximum of 30 min.), we will avoid caressing him, talking to him and even maintaining eye contact. In this way, the separation will be more gradual.
We will be calm, but at the same time firm. In this way we will be able to transmit security.
When we return home, our pet will surely receive us with his usual enthusiasm, throwing us all the parties he can to claim our attention. We have to manage, even if it costs us a little, to stay firm, without caressing or talking to him until he is calm. When he has calmed down, it will be time to reward him with what he likes the most; caresses, games, prizes…
It would be recommended, if possible, that, in the days prior to our return to the usual routine, we gradually put these routines into practice. Starting with short absence times – 10, 20 or 50 minutes – and gradually increasing them until reaching the usual 8 hours.
By following these simple tips, your pet will be able to return to normalcy in a calm and healthy way. If you notice any strange behavior or inappropriate responses, you should consult your trusted vet.