Cage for lovebirds: which is the best of 2021?
Who doesn’t want a home full of colors and joy? Coming home and having singing beings as companions is pure happiness. And that is why lovebirds have become so popular as pets. These birds are small parrots that can live perfectly in a home, as long as their needs are respected.
The most important thing your lovebird will have is its cage and another animal of its species to share. A good space will influence your happiness and quality of life. We are going to help you create the beautiful and friendly habitat that your lovebirds need. Don’t miss the following lines because you are going to learn more about these birds and what they need to live well.
The most important

- Lovebirds are very loving animals that need their fellow species to be happy. That is why two of these birds are usually integrated together in the home. If you only have one and want to introduce another new lovebird, you must follow some precautions.
- A well-equipped cage located in a part of the house with the weather conditions that lovebirds need can be a perfect home for your pet.
- When buying a cage, it must be one specifically for lovebirds. Not just any space is worth. It must be rectangular or square so as not to disorient the animal and it needs essential accessories for the happiness of these birds.
The best cages for lovebirds on the market: our favorites
Lovebirds are animals with a very pleasant and cheerful character. But they can also feel very sad when they lack company and a beautiful and adapted space in which to live. Therefore, if you adopt these animals in your life, you should know which cage will suit them best. Knowing the market trends and the tastes of other users will be very useful:
- The best cage for lovebirds according to buyers
- The best cage for lovebirds by space and functions
- The best cage for lovebirds for the quality of its accessories
The best cage for lovebirds according to buyers
The cage has been designed to keep the vast majority of the waste produced by birds inside the cabin. Both the tray that collects the waste and the feeders are located so that it is not easy to dirty the outside.
It has several perches for your lovebird to stand on them. It measures 45.5 x 35.5 x 51 centimeters. The distance between wires is one centimeter.
The best cage for lovebirds by space and functions
This black cage has legs and wheels, although the top can be detached and has a handle to hold and transport it. It measures 46 x 35.5 x 158 cm and has an extra tray in which to store lovebird items such as their food bags.
It comes with four plastic feeders, three sticks, and a wooden swing. The cage is made of metal. The assembly of its parts is simple.
The best cage for lovebirds for the quality of its accessories
This rectangular white barred cage sits on a wide blue plastic support that has wheels at its base. It comes with four feeders, a drinker and three sticks where the animal can perch.
It is wide for two lovebirds. It does not have a bottom rack and buyers note that it is difficult for food to come out of the cage.
Shopping guide: What you should know about cages for lovebirds
If you want to introduce these birds into your life, you should know them better and know the products that you will have to buy to give them the quality of life they deserve. You cannot adopt a lovebird and lock it in a place where it can be unhappy. You must first adopt more than one, by the company. And secondly, give him a place where he can jump and cheer with happiness.
What characterizes lovebirds and why do they need a cage?
They are birds belonging to the parrot family and native to Africa. In the singular they are called “agaporni”, but it is so common that they live together that they are usually referred to in the plural. And it is that the greatest particularity of these animals is their enormous fidelity to their partners. Many have dubbed it “The Bird of Love.”
They need a cage so they don’t run the risk of getting lost if they fly away. Indoor breds probably won’t know how to survive alone. Therefore, you have to create a space for them where they are safe and have what they require. The cage must be wide so that the bird feels good and must have accessories intended for its fun.
How many lovebirds should live in a single cage?

Minimum two. Lovebirds need the company of their peers to pamper themselves and share the day to day. It is an essential part of its nature. Mixing different species is not recommended. And if you are going to gather more than two, you will need a very large cage. Of course, when bringing two or more lovebirds together in the same space, you have to follow some tips:
- Quarantine process for the newcomer. Ideally, these animals that are going to live together arrive in the same space. If not, a quarantine process must be followed when adding a new bird to the group. This will check that you do not have diseases. This should be in another cage and in a different room.
- Look at the sex of the lovebirds. As loving as these animals are, not all of them have to get along, as it happens to any species on the planet. There is a better chance of success when joining two lovebirds of different sex.
- Fly to meet. The first contact is recommended to be made by leaving the animals flying. Choose a safe place in the house and release your cheerful birds.
- Gradual coexistence. You should leave the new lovebird in a separate cage, although close to the one of the animals you want to join, so they can get to know each other before living together.
- Match the animals in a new cage. If you see that they get along, experts advise buying a new cage to hold the lovebirds. Thus, that new home will not be anyone’s territory and that will save many problems for the new members of the flock.
- The more lovebirds, the bigger the cage. There are those who have several animals of this species in the same room, but divided into pairs, with two lovebirds in each cage.
- Better two or more than just one. You can have only one lovebird but it is more likely that it will develop strange behaviors and that it is not really happy.
Where should a cage for lovebirds be located?
These animals need fresh air and lots of light, so their cage should be in a room in the house that has these conditions, but without the sun hitting them in front for many hours and avoiding wind currents. The place must be quiet and with little traffic of people. Although they are social animals, noise can cause them stress.
You have to avoid having plants nearby because these animals love to sting and some can be toxic to your body. Besides that they can destroy them with their beaks. If the place where it is located is cool, it will not be a problem during the day, but you should move the cage at night to a warm part of the house.
How can I tell if my lovebirds are not happy in their cage?
There are certain behaviors of these birds that can lead us to understand that our pet does not live in an environment that makes him happy. For example, when a lovebird gets stressed, it plucks its feathers. Happy lovebirds chirp and flutter; they eat and drink often. Therefore, if you see the animal very still, silent and eating little, it may be sad.
Other symptoms of happiness are shown when you see lovebirds grooming each other, feeding or sharing a perch and chirping. This is not the same as watching them peck themselves or making little melodic noises. In the latter case, one is probably attacking the other because the coexistence is not pleasant.
Can I allow my lovebirds out of their cage?
If possible. But do not do it the first day they are at your house, basically because they first need to have a lot of trust in you so that later they want to go back to their “little house”. To do this, approach their cage several times a day and speak softly to them. Do not reach out to them until you see them receptive. And at the beginning they carry food that they like.
When there is already a close relationship, you can open the door and put your hand on it. The animal will understand that it can land on you. If it climbs on your finger, very slowly remove it from the cage. Over time you can educate him to go on your shoulder, to return to his cage with a word that you always use or to tell him to fly by using another sound that he understands.
How can I keep my lovebirds cage clean?

As with any bird cage, the ground around this space can get dirty. Animals eat and drink in their cages, relieve themselves, jump, play and, in molting times, lose some of their feathers. It is very common that at the base of the cage there is a tray that collects all the waste and that can be easily removed for cleaning.
When you go to buy the cage, see that it has a grid that prevents the bird from accessing the tray, and that it is a few centimeters high above it. It could be dangerous to the animal’s health if it lands on the base and plays with its droppings. The grid serves to separate your lovebirds from these debris before you have time to clean them.
Purchase criteria
Now that you know the lovebirds better, you already know that any cage you give them will not work for them. In fact, the cage that you buy is a decision of the utmost importance for your coexistence. In order for you to acquire the ideal space according to your needs and those of your “little birds”, you will have to take into account some essential criteria. These are:
- Size
- Design
- Accessories
- Materials
Lovebirds are small animals, so a cage does not have to be giant, but it must be spacious. The more animals, the bigger your house should be. If you choose to integrate only one lovebird into your life, it is recommended that the cage be about 60 cm long, which gives the animal the opportunity to fly and room to move. If you are going to integrate more members to the group, it must be greater.
It is also important that the door of the cage is wide so that the animal can enter and exit through it when you are going to let it hover free. The distance between the bars should not be too wide so that this bird cannot get caught between them when playing. But enough to make you feel free. For example, 1.5 centimeters is ideal.
When deciding the design of a cage for lovebirds, we must insist that not just any cage for birds will work. You have to look at certain very important aspects of the design such as the shape of the space, the base, the placement of the bars or the roof of that “house” where your colorful birds will live.
The accessories will make the cage of your lovebirds the home they deserve. With them you can set a space that resembles its natural habitat. Essential will be the feeders, usually more than one, and the drinkers. In addition, leisure time is essential for these birds, so they require sticks to hang on and swings and ropes.
The cage material must be resistant because its beak is strong and lovebirds tend to peck. Therefore, iron is recommended and wood and plastic should be avoided. If painted, it should be specified that this used paint is non-toxic. Above all, the materials must be totally free of lead and zinc.
Lovebirds are sociable animals that can perfectly live in a home. But, when it comes to integrating these birds into the family, you must know them well and give them the ideal complements so that they have a happy life. These birds, a species of smaller parrots, are singing and cheerful as long as they like the home in which they live.
A large and beautiful cage full of the necessary accessories and, if possible, with more than one agaporni inside, it can be an ideal place for these animals originating in Africa. Really, with them you can create close and trusting relationships, you can educate them to follow certain rules when they come out of their cage and you can share very tender moments with them.