Keep a Watchful Eye on Your Pet with These Monitors

In recent years, webcam technology has taken a step in a pet-friendly direction. Besides watching your furry friends while you’re away, you can interact with them by using one of several cutting-edge pet cameras. Keep an eye on your pets from work or while you’re out running errands to give both you and your pets…

What you need to know about Canine Influenza, aka the Dog Flu

Canine influenza (CIV) first hit the United States in 2005. Since then, the virus has been recorded in every US state except Alaska, Hawaii, North Dakota and Nebraska. Two dogs in Ontario, Canada, were recently diagnosed (Jan 2018). Dogs have no natural immunity to the canine influenza virus. Therefore, prevention is key to containing spread…

Pets For Your Healty Life

10 Things You Need To Know About Pets For Your Healty Life

Much research has actually gone into whether or not pets could help you have to healthy life and the scientific research concurs that pets have a hugely favorable influence on your life. Not only you are going to be much healthier physically with a family pet, you are also going to obtain an increase in…