Dog cages: Which one is the best of 2021?

All people who keep dogs as pets have a deep affection for them, but there is one thing to keep in mind: many dogs are aggressive. Therefore, you should keep them apart from other people. You want to avoid inconvenience. And by inconveniences we mean bites, blows and any type of injury that they may produce.

That is why there is an option that you can use to keep your dog in a safe area for a long time: the best dog cages on the market. For that reason we are going to develop a complete guide with everything you need to know about them. We encourage you to pay close attention and follow the suggestions that we are going to give you below.

The most important

Dog cages
  • A dog cage provides maximum protection for your pet, in addition to great security measures. You can find them in different models and sizes so that you can choose the most suitable for your dog. Using this element generates a great number of advantages, both for the dog and for the master.
  • Remember: a dog cage is not a jail. Nor is it an area where you can have him subjected and punished. On the contrary, it is an article that improves the quality of life of the pet to the maximum. Although many may not believe it, a cage provides comfort and comfort to your dog in a very simple way.
  • Of course, you should analyze the purchase criteria before making an investment in a cage. For example, you must take into account the size and breed of your dog. Also the lifestyle that you and your pet lead. Also do not forget the manufacturing material, because it is essential to extend the useful life of the product to the maximum.

The best dog cages on the market: our recommendations

When you decide to buy one of the best cages for dogs, you will find a large number of models, brands and sizes. However, so that you can make a good decision, the most appropriate thing is to be guided by this list with the best cages of 2019. In this way you will not have to leave your home, because you can make the purchase online .

  • The most practical dog cage
  • The best cage for dogs to play
  • The toughest dog cage
  • The safest dog cage
  • The best value for money dog ​​cage

The most practical dog cage

Without a doubt, this is the best option if you want your dog to be in a safe place for both people and himself. This version is folding and is made with two metal doors that allow front and side entry. It has the advantage that you can place dogs of a considerably heavy size, because it supports up to 32 kg.

Its size is approximately 92 cm x 58 cm x 64 cm and its materials are highly resistant, ideal for stronger dogs. Includes an optional panel and also a removable plastic tray to remove all types of debris. With all this, it is logical that this model heads our list. You will not regret making the investment.

The best cage for dogs to play

Not only will you have a dog cage, but a whole park so that your dogs can live without any worries. Its dimensions are approximately 70 cm x 60 cm and it has eight combinable fences. We recommend this model for your more restless puppies, so you can guarantee their protection and also that of children.

It is made of high-quality metal and the material is quite easy to clean, therefore it is ideal to maintain dogs maximum hygiene. This cage works as a pen and you can place your newborn puppies. The final price of the product is quite affordable, so it is worth the investment.

The toughest dog cage

If you have a very strong dog it is also important that you have a cage with the same characteristics and this is the one that corresponds to those specifications. It has 76.2 cm and a folding system that facilitates its use and transport to any desired place. It has a sliding system and stop mechanisms that secure the cage at any time.

With this article, your pet will never run away or lose it, nor will it cause injury to your friends (in case of being aggressive). In addition, it has a sheepskin bed that allows your dog to rest comfortably. You can buy it new and also second-hand. In both cases at a very tempting price.

The safest dog cage

This is the dog cage that has the best safety-comfort ratio on the market with dimensions of 92 cm x 62 cm x 75 cm. It is the most effective alternative for large dogs, due to its robust metal-based construction. It is resistant to rust, therefore you are guaranteed the maximum duration and useful life of the product.

Its design has two small dividers that prevent the legs from slipping. It also has a removable tray to facilitate the safe feeding of the animal. It can be easily transported because it has four 360 degree swivel wheels built in. Finally, its installation is quite simple and fast.

The best value for money dog ​​cage

An excellent cage for dogs over 90 cm and with a nice golden color. Ideal for the most elegant dogs. It also has a folding structure and easy transport. It is made of the highest quality metals. Now, if gold is not your favorite color, you can also buy the cage in its black or silver version.

It is an alternative with a fairly low price compared to the protection that it guarantees your pet. In addition, it allows you to place blankets and beds. You can buy it completely new, but if you can’t afford it, you have second-hand options.

Shopping Guide: Everything You Should Know About Dog Cages

Dog cages

You already know the best alternatives on the market. Now, you should not rush when buying cages for dogs. In this section we are going to develop a shopping guide with everything you need to make a correct choice. We will analyze the characteristics and different questions that you can ask yourself.

What is a dog cage?

A cage for dogs is a very practical accessory that can be of great help inside the home and meets different objectives. You should not think that a cage is an element to keep the dog imprisoned. It is clear that, on some occasions, its use as protection is recommended, especially if your pet is very aggressive.

But on many other occasions, a dog crate becomes your canine’s home, even in a play environment. In fact, there are versions of cages that allow you to include beds and blankets to provide maximum comfort for your dog. You can have the article both inside the home and in the garden, because it is adaptable to any environment.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a dog cage?

The advantages of dog cages are very numerous, but it is also essential that you analyze the disadvantages of their use. In this way, you will determine if it is worth the investment and if your dog really needs this item. For this reason, we are going to detail everything you need in a short, very explanatory table.

Is a dog crate good for my pet?

Of course, in fact the dog can feel with his own personal space because it gives him security and stability, as well as a comfortable sleeping area. However, for the dog cage to have the expected effects, you must use the most appropriate one. Otherwise, you could cause harm to your canine and make him fearful.

On the other hand, if your dog is very restless and likes to walk around the house, a dog crate can solve the problem. Allow to train the dog until it manages to maintain a good behavior and does not wreak havoc within your home. And, as we mentioned earlier, prevent your dog from biting other people.

Is it cruel to use a dog cage?

The vast majority of people think so, because nobody likes the idea of ​​being locked up in a cage all day. But the exact opposite happens in dogs, because they need a comfortable area to rest. They don’t need to fall asleep under the table or on the couch, because a dog crate is so much better.

Even their wild brothers, the wolves, need a place to sleep and rest, but they are not large areas. Rather, they are small holes and burrows, because they feel comfortable in that environment. Well, a dog cage causes the same effects on your canine pets.

Are dog cages safe?

As a general answer: yes. However, there are some factors that can influence cage safety in mind. First of all, we must mention its material, which in most cases is metal. And secondly, the size, which should also be the one indicated for your pet, because otherwise you will have problems.

These aspects are closely related, because the dog could get hurt in metal cages with dimensions that are too small. Now, if you use a very large cage for a tiny dog, it could escape and get lost. These factors are especially important, especially when you are going to place the dog cage outside.

However, in general terms, once the dog gets used to it, the cage is a totally safe element for him. In addition, it allows protection against stray dogs, rats and any other aggressive animal that tries to attack your pet. Therefore you will avoid having to go to the vet to heal serious wounds in your canine.

What types of dog cages are there?

In the market you can find a wide variety of cages for dogs, which raises many questions. It is likely that you do not know which is the most suitable for your pet, what size is appropriate or if the shape is correct. However, if you worry about these aspects it is because you want to give the best to your pet.

The most important thing is that you can satisfy your dog’s needs as much as possible and that he does not feel uncomfortable in his cage. Remember that one of the main objectives of this accessory is that the dog has a home to live in. For this reason, we are going to develop another table with the most common types of cages along with their characteristics.

When are dog cages necessary?

There is no specific answer to this question, because you have to take into account some fundamental aspects. First, analyze how aggressive your pet is, because if it is at a high level, the dog cage is essential. Otherwise it is not mandatory, but you should also analyze other circumstances in which it may be convenient.

You already know that dog cages are a way to provide your pet with a comfortable and comfortable area to inhabit. Therefore, if you want to give your pet a gift and have it always happy, you can consider this option. Now, if you are going to have your dog in the garden, a cage is ideal so that it is always protected or even a kennel as well.

What size dog cage is right for my pet?

To determine the appropriate size for a dog crate, the first thing to keep in mind is the size of your pet. Obviously, in most cases, you don’t want to keep your dog locked up in a way that hurts him. It is important that the dog has a wide freedom of movement that allows him to eat, drink and relieve himself.

On the other hand, there is a situation in which a cage with reduced dimensions is the most successful: when the dog is violent. In this way he will learn to behave and you will give him a training to reduce his aggressiveness. In these cases, the grids should be short, so that children do not put their hands.

Are dog cages better than carriers?

There is also no specific answer for this question, since they are elements that fulfill completely different functions. A cage is a space for the dog to have a home and you will not normally move it from home. In contrast, a carrier is a smaller element that is intended to mobilize the dog.

It would be a bad thing to leave your dog locked in a carrier inside the house, because he would have absolutely no freedom. On the other hand, it would be uncomfortable to carry a cage that is too large on the street, for example, to go to the vet. In reality there is no better product than another, but they are used at different times.

Is it preferable to use kennels or cages for dogs?

Unlike the previous case, both elements do fulfill some very similar functions. For example, provide comfort. The house is suitable if your dog is calm, friendly and does not pose any threat to the order of the house. In addition, the kennels have free access, therefore your dog can come and go whenever he wants.

On the other hand, if you need your pet to stay in a certain area, you already know that the correct option is a dog cage. However, many people also use the cages, but leaving the door open so that the dog has free entry and exit. This is a valid option if your dog is not aggressive.

Where to place a cage for dogs?

The best location to place a dog cage is in a corner of the house, because it is a place that does not cause discomfort for members of the household. It is essential that it is not a hot or too cold area. The same applies if you are going to place the cage in the garden: try not to be too exposed to the weather.

Also keep in mind that dogs love to be as close to their owners as possible because they like to feel loved. So you can place the dog cage in the living room or anywhere there is visual contact between the two. Finally, it is important that you do not change it a lot, since the dog will take time to get used to it.

How do pets get used to dog cages?

First of all, you should never force your dog into the cage. Do not push or force it because this does not contribute to anything good. Otherwise, the dog will not see the cage as a safe place, much less his comfort zone. So, the most sensible thing to do is to motivate the dog to enter the cage on its own, using the “everything is good” strategy.

This technique consists of using treats every time your dog enters the cage and even placing the gifts inside. You can use cookies and sweets without forgetting toys, such as rubber bones. It is also appropriate that you put blankets so that the animal feels comfortable in its new home and wants to stay inside.

From what age is it good for my pet to use dog cages?

A mistake that almost everyone often makes is waiting for the dog to grow up before using a protective crate. On some occasions, this act prevents the dog from reducing its levels of aggression. As a consequence, it will be more likely to bite. In fact, if training is not carried out from an early age, the dog may never get used to it.

For this reason, our best recommendation is that you start using the dog cage as soon as possible. After his birth, wait a month or two for your dog to develop a little more and buy a puppy crate. In this way, it will be much easier for the dog to adapt and feel comfortable in its new home.

How are dog cages cleaned?

Dog cages

In order to effectively clean a dog cage, you must take into account the manufacturing material. Metal cages are not cleaned in the same way as wooden ones. However, before going into details we will give you some general steps. Remove all surface dust as well as surface grime with a microfiber cloth.

Remove food debris and clean excrement and urine (this should be done every day). So you can go deeper into cleaning. For metal cages, you must apply a specific product that can preserve the material and prevent the appearance of rust. You can also polish the grates by using a mixture of water and alcohol.

As for wooden cages, it is appropriate that you use a substance for cleaning parquet. In addition, you can restore the shine of the material by using olive oil and disinfecting the surface with white vinegar. For plastic cages, use water and liquid soap. It is important that you do not abuse the products because they could cause harm to the dog.

What are some recommendations for the use of dog cages?

It is essential that you never abuse the use you give to the dog cage, especially if the dog has not got used to it. You must identify when the dog is comfortable and when not. If you notice that he is somewhat sad, it would be good if you took him out for a walk. On the other hand, if you are going to go out, do not forget to leave your corresponding daily food and drink.

The cage should always be kept clean because, otherwise, the dog can get infections. You can also train the dog not to relieve itself in the cage, so you will also avoid having to clean them. And whenever you can, reward your dog with a treat, treats, cookies, or a new toy.

What are the best brands of dog cages on the market?

To know the best brands of cages for dogs, you just have to look at the ranking that we placed at the beginning of the post . Taking into account the brand is something fundamental, since it guarantees the highest quality of the product you are going to buy. You also get a guarantee and the possibility of reimbursement in case of a fault.


This is the most recommended and demanded brand in the market, which has a wide variety of cages with different designs and sizes. They provide maximum comfort and safety to your dog with an unbeatable quality / price ratio. Its materials are durable and lightweight, ideal for any environment.


Second, the PawHut brand always dazzles with its premium dog homes. Their security systems provide complete protection for your pets and they have a wide range of products. They are the best manufacturers of cages for puppies with their version in pen mode for up to eight dogs.


Finally, an option indicated for strong and robust dogs are the cages manufactured by Ellie-Bou. Its stainless steel material guarantees ideal safety at a fairly low price. They have large, small, folding models and other varieties so that you can choose the ideal cage and that your dog is comfortable.

About how much do dog cages usually cost?

It all depends on the brand, size and manufacturing materials. Recognized brands will always have a higher cost, but in exchange for the benefits mentioned in the previous point. On the other hand, cages made of stainless steel are considerably more expensive than those made of plastic or wood.

However, a small cage with a medium manufacturing and a mid-range brand can cost around 20-25 euros. But a cage for a large dog with the highest quality materials could fetch 60 euros. The most important thing is that you choose the appropriate cage for your dog as long as you can afford it.

Purchase criteria

We have already answered the most important questions you can ask yourself when buying a dog cage. However, you must also take into account several purchase criteria that will determine which is the best option for your dog. In this section we are going to analyze the following fundamental aspects:

  • Size
  • materials
  • equipment
  • Dog breed
  • Lifestyle


As we mentioned earlier, the size of the cage is directly related to the dimensions of the animal. For example, a German shepherd needs a large cage. On the other hand, for a Chihuahua a corral type cage may be sufficient. In either situation, it is essential that there is enough space for the animal’s food.

You should also analyze the amount of toys that you want your dog to have in his cage. And if you plan to have the animal for a few hours a day, do not forget to put blankets. Remember that you must provide maximum comfort so that your canine can feel at ease. If not, the dog will want to escape and it could be hurt.


Manufacturing materials are a fundamental criterion to make a correct purchase of a dog cage. First of all, we recommend that you completely avoid purchasing cages made of plastic. Because metal cages are the most durable, they provide the most protection and offer security.

It is appropriate for the metal to be stainless steel because rust damages the cage more quickly and can cause tetanus in your pet. Now, the best investment you can make is a hybrid wood and metal cage. In addition to providing maximum protection, it gives an elegant and decorative appearance to the entire room.


When buying a cage, you must take into account the type of equipment that you are going to place inside. We repeat that blankets and beds are essential for your dog to feel comfortable in his new home. Toys are another element that allows your canine to enjoy the most in his cage.

On the other hand, even if you clean regularly, dogs always give off a bad smell, especially if they relieve themselves in the cage. A flavoring for the cage can be a very effective option for the room to have a pleasant aroma. Finally, do not forget to buy and place their respective feeders and drinkers.

Dog breed

Another essential criterion that you must keep in mind since it is closely related to the size of the cage. It not only depends on the size of the breed of the dog, but also on the aggressiveness of it. For example, metal cages are the most suitable for robust dogs. On the other hand, wooden cages are the best for small dogs because they cannot break them.

Now, if the dog is prone to being very restless, you should use a hybrid wood and metal cage. In this way, if you try to escape, you will not hurt yourself, such as cuts in the skin that can lead to an infection. On the other hand, regardless of the breed, we repeat that it is not advisable to buy plastic cages.


The last criterion that you must analyze is the lifestyle that you and also your pet lead, since both influence the type of cage.For example, if you are a person who is always on the street, but does not always carry your dog , a spacious pen-style cage is a great alternative. In this way, the dog will not get bored while alone.

On the other hand, if your dog behaves well only when you are present, a small cage is a good option for when you have to go out. You also need to take into account whether your dog is playful or calm. Depending on the case, you can decide whether to buy a cage where you can put toys or a simple one.


The care and well-being of our pets is essential. Animals are also living beings that need our care. Dog cages allow you to provide protection for both your pet and other people. But remember, this accessory is not to keep your pet locked up all day, but to provide a home.

Never leave the dog in the crate for too long without food. A balanced diet is also essential for him. Every time you get the chance, pamper it so that it feels loved by its owner. In this way, your best friend will be faithful to you for a long time and will feel enormously grateful.

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