Parrot cage: Which is the best of 2021?
Hello! Can you imagine coming home and having your pet greet you? Well, those people who live with a parrot know what it is. Parrots are great company for being very funny and sociable animals. There is no doubt that they give a lot of atmosphere to the home. And, when integrating a parrot into the family, you have to know what accessories it needs for its day to day.
One of these necessary accessories is a cage. This will give you the space that a parrot needs. They must be spacious to meet the biological needs of these animals. And have feeders, drinkers and something that can entertain the “talkative” animal. In this guide, you will find information on living with a parrot.
The most important

- Parrots are very sociable animals, that’s why they make those sounds with which they seem to talk: they tend to imitate others as a form of communication. And it seems to be working! For all this, it is essential that the cage is located in the busiest room in the house.
- Two parrots can live together in the same cage, but you cannot put them together without knowing each other. First, there are steps to be taken so that the animals become familiar with each other, but without sharing the same cage until they gain confidence.
- When buying a cage, you have to choose a large one, with various accessories so that the animal can play, eat and drink, a tray where the droppings fall and that is easy to clean, and it is important that it is not round because that disorients much to parrots.
The best cages for parrot: our recommendations
In the following lines you will find a summary with the recommendation of three cages that are very popular in the market. Knowing the tastes of users will be very useful to make a purchase decision. In addition, you will find a detailed description of the characteristics of each cage. Do not miss it!
- The favorite parrot cage of online users
- The most complete parrot cage
- Best Portable Parrot Cage
The favorite parrot cage of online users
This cage is spacious and contains accessories for a parrot to be happy. It measures 46 x 46 x 156 centimeters and has a large protective tray that prevents waste from falling to the ground. It is made of galvanized iron, a very resistant material.
The cage includes wooden perches to entertain the animal, drinkers, feeders and a wide access door with a lock. It has wheels.
The most complete parrot cage
It measures 81 centimeters long, 78 wide and 155 high. The tray is wider to prevent your parrot’s waste from staining the floor.
It has 3 containers of food and water. It is made of powder coated iron. There is a metal tray at the base of the cage that is removed for cleaning. There is also a grid over the tray that prevents the parrot from touching the droppings.
Best Portable Parrot Cage
This cage created for parrots and other large birds contains 4 stainless steel bowls for food and water. It has wheels on the base for easy movement. It is made of iron.
It measures 64 x 64 x 157 centimeters. The door is 21 x 46.5 cm and the distance between the bars is 14 millimeters. It has a wide tray so that the dirt from the parrot does not fall to the ground.
Shopping Guide: Everything You Should Know About A Parrot Cage

The cage that your parrot has will greatly influence the quality of life of your pet and even its health. Traditionally, parrots are not domestic animals, but it is estimated that they have been company with people for more than 1,000 years. In the following lines we will answer the most common questions among bird lovers and, especially, parrots.
Why does my parrot need a cage?
A parrot can perfectly live in a home as a pet. As long as its nature is respected. Although carefully. And it is that in the nature of a parrot it can be to go to discover new places and then not know how to return. For this reason, on many occasions the cage will help him not to escape following his instincts and then get lost somewhere.
Many already domesticated parrots know how to be in a house without taking flight but still need their own space to eat, be quiet to sleep, feel protected or relieve themselves without staining the ground. And he finds that in his cage. Essential, since a parrot is very territorial and needs to have a place that is unique to it.
Why can a parrot speak?
Parrots are very social animals and can repeat many of the things humans say in order to communicate. It must be said that parrots do not speak as such. It turns out that they do not have vocal cords, but rather a vocal organ at the base of the windpipe, called a “syrinx.” Parrots have the ability to reproduce different sounds.
As part of their social nature, they adapt sounds to those around them thanks to the skills of their syrinx. But they cannot converse. They do not understand the meaning of words or respond to what we say to them. Only reproduce sounds that they have heard previously and it serves as their particular way of communicating.
Can a parrot share its cage with others?
Parrots can share their cage, but you have to carry out some basic instructions to prevent them from fighting. There are those who say that, just as any human would find it tremendously annoying if another person were to live in his room without permission, a parrot can be surprised by this situation. To put two parrots together in a cage you must:
- Knowing that for a parrot, the company of another is very good, as long as you join them carefully. They are very social animals, but at the same time territorial, so the cage for a parrot is very important.
- Remember that two birds of the same species will not necessarily get along better than two birds of different species, that is indifferent. Their sex will not determine their friendship either. What does influence is when it comes to reproducing.
- Place a different cage for the new animal (as it will only be a few days, this may be smaller) and that they are close to each other within their spaces to begin to see each other.
- If two parrots haven’t established a relationship in a few months and keep trying to attack each other, they will never be friends. In this case, you should have two cages for parrots and not leave them loose in the same room.
Can I let my parrot out of its cage?
Yes you can. Sometimes a parrot, even if it is very comfortable in its space, may require some freedom. That as long as you are educated for it. It requires a prior training process. Probably, if your parrot escapes it is not because he does not want to live with you. Rather, he will do it out of curiosity and that can lead him to get lost. To get it out you must:
- At times, your parrot may refuse to come out. Help him to feel confident with the outside and he must also trust you. Open his door and put your arm so he can come out leaning on you.
- Exiting and entering his cage is one of the first teachings you should give him. Remember that parrots are very intelligent and learn very fast.
- In the first few times that he leaves the cage, keep doors and windows closed so that he cannot leave your house and get lost.
- When your parrot comes out, let him freedom inside the home. He must explore alone.
- When you want him to come back, don’t force him to. Encourage him to return to perch on your arm and when he is confident, approach his cage and let him enter alone. If you force it, it will be unpleasant for him, so be patient and take your time.
- Reward the parrot with some food it likes every time it perches on your arm.
- Never contain it with a cloth or towel to put it in the cage. It will make him mad at you. In future occasions he may want to run away or even show aggression.
Where can I put my parrot’s cage?

We have already said that parrots are very sociable animals. For this reason, you should choose a crowded room and in which you and your family spend more time. These animals love company, so don’t isolate it. Also try to make it a space that has access to natural light. And avoid cooking, since the fumes can be harmful to the animal.
It is recommended that one of the sides of the cage is next to a wall, so that the animal feels safe. Also, since many parrot cages have wheels, you can transport it from one place to another depending on the room where you are. Make sure this house is away from cables or furniture to prevent the animal from sneaking its beak through the bars and biting on objects.
Purchase criteria
Now that you know much more about these charming animals and their customs, it is time to learn more about cages. When you go to buy a house for your parrot you must take into account five very important criteria. In the following lines you will understand what they are and what you have to look at to make the right decision:
- Size and dimensions
- Materials
- Accessories
- Form
- Legs and supports
Size and dimensions
At a minimum, the cage should be wide enough to allow the animal to stretch its wings in all directions. Although, in general, it is recommended that it be as large as possible so that the animal does not have the feeling of being trapped. You should also take into account the space in your house and the room where you are going to place the cage.
You should also look at the size of the door so that when you want to let your pet out, it can be done comfortably. Another thing to keep in mind is the distance between the bars. It should be wide, but without leaving room for the parrot to sneak between them, putting the animal at risk of being trapped if it starts playing with the bars.
It is very important that a parrot cage is made of a material that is not toxic so that, if it plays with the bars with its beak, something common, it does not ingest these harmful elements. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid paintings. In addition, the bars have to be strong so as not to break. It is common for a cage to be made of iron.
If there are specific cages for parrot, it is because this animal has its own needs that are not extrapolated to other birds. There are essential accessories that one of these cages must contain so that the animal is comfortable, safe and so that its needs are covered.
It is recommended that a parrot cage is not round. And the optimal thing is that it is rectangular. A parrot, if it has a large cage, will tend to fly, and if it is circular it can be very confusing and disorienting. Parrots really like to take shelter in a corner of their private corner. Especially those that are close to the wall. Round cages do not offer corners.
Legs and supports
It is essential that a cage is well secured. Parrots are very playful and will fly and jump around your space. More if you have swings and ropes to play on. Therefore, at least four strong legs are recommended. You should never put a parrot in a single-prop cage because it can topple over to the side. It is also recommended that these end on wheels.
Parrots are very sociable animals, good housemates and very intelligent. A cage is necessary for these animals to live comfortably in a home. Well equipped, a cage gives these pets the space they need to feel safe and have their food and drink within reach. Also his moments of leisure.
A parrot cage must be large, never round, and it must be very robust to resist bites with the animal’s beak or its jumps and flights. If you want to have more than one parrot, you can do it, but first taking a slow process so that both animals get to know each other. You can also remove the animal from its cage, always after you have gained its trust.